Section 504 Programming

Thomas MacLaren School serves students with special needs in accordance with the Exceptional Children’s Education Act and Colorado Department of Education guidelines. Programs are provided through resource services and contracted-related service providers in both the Upper and Lower School. 

504 Plan Transfers

Admission to Thomas MacLaren School is granted based on a lottery system, which is held at the end of January. If a student has a 504 plan, that information is not disclosed on the Letter of Intent. The Exceptional Student Services (ESS) teachers follow a procedure to ensure that students are admitted to Thomas MacLaren School without discrimination, and that their individual needs can be met within the Thomas MacLaren service delivery model. 

After being selected in the lottery system (the 504 plan is not indicated on the Letter of Intent; all students selected are admitted pending a review of 504 paperwork), a parent fills out enrollment paperwork indicating that their child currently receives services or accommodations through a 504 plan. The ESS department calls the current school of attendance to obtain a copy of the plan. The plan is read and compared to the Thomas MacLaren service model to determine if services and accommodations can be met as they are currently written.

The ESS team meets to discuss service delivery and case management before contacting the parents to inform them of acceptance. This process is completed prior to the end of the school year. A transfer meeting with the current school of attendance, the ESS department at Thomas MacLaren, parents, student, administrators, and teachers (for the following school year) is called and the 504 plan is either accepted as written, or necessary changes are discussed, interim services are written, and a 504 meeting is scheduled. 

Eligibility Under Section 504

To be protected under Section 504 and entitled to a Section 504 plan, a student must: 

(1) have a physical or mental impairment that 
(2) substantially limits 
(3) one or more major life activities. 

At Thomas MacLaren School, short-term impacts (less than a whole school year) are often managed by grade-level teams through an Academic Plan, rather than a Section 504 Plan. 

Section 504 Referral and Evaluation

At Thomas MacLaren School, exceptional students are referred, evaluated, and then monitored closely using academic, behavioral, and observational data, as well as teacher and parent collaboration to ensure that accommodations being provided continue to be effective.
The school’s internal referral process begins when the MTSS team has reason to believe that a student requiring tiered supports also meets the qualifications for Section 504.
Parents may refer a student for 504 evaluation by providing documentation from a medical provider regarding a diagnosis.  Parents should send this documentation to the 504 Coordinator who may refer to the MTSS process for more data or may refer immediately to a 504 evaluation. 


Direct questions or concerns about the Section 504 Program at MacLaren to either Ms. Kowatch, Lower School Section 504 Coordinator or Ms. Rilling, Upper School Section 504 Coordinator. 
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