Student #1
*Student's legal first name:
*Student's legal last name:
*Student's grade next year (2024-25): 1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th Grade9th Grade10th Grade11th Grade12th Grade
*Returning? YesNoUnsure. I would like to speak with Administration.
*Students and parents/guardians must be able to confirm Colorado residency to be eligible for enrollment in Thomas MacLaren School next year.
*Are you and your children eligible to claim Colorado residency? YesNo
*Parent/Guardian's name:
*Phone: *Email:
If this is your only child returning, please scroll to the bottom and click Submit.
Student #2
If this is your last child returning, please scroll to the bottom and click Submit.
Student #3
Student #4
Student #5
Student #6
Student #7
Student #8