Athletic Eligibility

All students are encouraged to participate in the MacLaren athletic program and other extracurricular activities. However, academic responsibilities are always the top priority. In addition, student-athletes and students taking part in non-athletic activities are public representatives of MacLaren, which makes disciplinary matters relevant.

Students may be removed from teams or clubs for academic or disciplinary reasons. For example, students who accumulate 1.5 hours of detention in one semester may become ineligible for extracurriculars that semester, including athletics. The Head of School oversees this process.

Moreover, students involved in any MacLaren extracurricular club or sport need to remain academically eligible for participation. To ensure that a sport is not taking away from a student's academic performance, student-athletes are expected to perform well in all of their classes. Faculty members will review group rosters regularly and advise the Head of School of any student they are concerned about due to that student becoming deficient in any class.

The standard for a student to remain eligible is to have no deficiencies: if a student has a D or F in any course, he or she will become ineligible subject to review on a weekly basis. Exceptions may be made by the Head of School.

Students who become ineligible may not attend practices or games until their academic eligibility is restored. Academic performance is reviewed weekly.

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