
Every student enrolled at Thomas MacLaren School needs to be compliant with the Colorado Immunization requirements for school attendance. Immunization requirements can be found here: 2025-26 CDPHE Parent/Guardian Letter (2025-26 Vacunas obligatorias para el ingreso escolar, 2025-26 CDPHE 학부모/보호자 편지, 2025-26 خطاب ولي الأمر/الوصي CDPHE)

In order to be compliant, the student must have received all of the required immunizations or have a signed medical or non-medical exemption form on file in the health room.

If you are seeking an exemption please visit the Colorado state website page regarding Vaccine Exemptions to read the requirements and download the applicable forms to submit.

Please note that all non-medical exemption forms expire on June 30 of each year. If you have previously turned in a non-medical exemption form for your child/ren for any immunization and plan on doing so again this year, please consider putting this on your to-do list for the summer after July 1. That way we are not scrambling in the fall to get all of those in before the deadline.

If you need help paying for vaccinations for your child you may go to:

It is very important that an updated immunization record be provided to the school nurse or health paraprofessional before the start of the school year including any covid vaccines. Please contact the health office with any questions regarding immunizations.  
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