Friday Folders

Friday Folders are published every Friday during the school year except over breaks. Please read each Friday Folder. It is important that you are aware of what is going on at MacLaren for the smooth running of the school. Thank you.

Current Issue: Scroll down within the box below to view the current Friday Folder. You may also open a new page to view the current Friday Folder.

Previous Issues: Click on any link below to view the previous issue in a new window.

Communications at Thomas MacLaren School

Our goal is to keep you well-informed about important dates, school events, your child's progress, and other information related to our school.

Methods and mediums
We use following methods and mediums for our communication. If you have questions about these options, please contact Communication Office.

Parent Portal for Attendance
Purpose: In an effort to streamline attendance reporting, we have opened the PowerSchool Parent Portal. This tool helps facilitate better communication between parents and the school and provides documentation throughout the year regarding that communication. The link for the Parent Portal is

Purpose: Email is the main means of communication between the school and parents. Emailed messages include the Friday Folders, messages from teachers and administrators, alerts and reminders, and important documents such as semester evaluations and report cards/transcripts. Please make sure that at least one parent/guardian in your household is receiving AND reading all emails that are coming from the school.
*Friday Folder is a weekly newsletter sent on Friday afternoons and is the primary method for communicating upcoming events and information parents and guardians need to know.

Text Messages
Purpose: Text messages are used primarily for reminders and emergency alerts, such as a change in athletic practice/game time, reminders of upcoming deadlines, and alerts of a two-hour delay or school closure. Texts are not preferred for conversations with faculty or staff members.
We have the ability to send text messages to adults and to high school students (with parent approval). If you would like to receive reminders and alerts via text, please email Student Records and ask to receive an invitation to opt-in for texts. 

Thomas MacLaren School App
Purpose: Our Custom app provides a convenient way to submit attendance, view the Athletics Schedule, email faculty via the Directory, access MySchoolBucks and check hot lunch menus on the go.
Download the free Thomas MacLaren School app in the Apple Store and Google Play store.

Phone: (719) 313-4488
Purpose: Feel free to call the school if you are not sure who you need to talk to or if you prefer not to use email.
Please note faculties do not have direct lines and can only return calls during breaks in their teaching schedule. Please email them to set up a time for a phone conversation, or leave a message for them with the Main Office.

Fax: (719) 313-4491
Purpose: Fax machines are available if you need to send important documents to the school.

  • Secure line (for student records only): (866) 587-2608
  • For all other business: (719) 313-4491

Social Media
Purpose: We use social media to send reminders if events, post fun pictures of day-to-day life at our school, and provide a space for families to interact with us and each other. 
We have a school presence on the following social media platforms:

  • Instagram:
    • @ThomasMacLarenSchool
    • @MacLarenHighlanderAthletics

We also host a private Facebook group for current parents and alumni called MacLaren Parents & Alumni. Parents are welcome to request to be members of this group. In this group, parents share information about uniforms, carpooling, and other parent-initiated conversations.

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