MacLaren welcomes grandparents and other special adults in the lives of our students to be active in our school as GrandPartners.

We honor our GrandPartners with invitations to connect with their grandchildren and our MacLaren community throughout the year, hold special events and VIP opportunities just for them, and publish the GrandPartners Gazette to keep grandparents informed.
Sign up as a MacLaren GrandPartner or contact Joy Oram if you have questions.

GrandPartners Gazette is a newsletter mailed directly to our GrandPartners, specially designed to share our culture and celebrations with them.

Check out our past issues!
Prior Events:
GrandPartner Popsicle Party
GrandPartner Bingo

Volunteer Opportunities:
As a grandpartner, you can have front row seats to your grandchild’s daily school life! We welcome grandpartners to volunteer at MacLaren. Here are some opportunities:
- Help with Traffic Duty
- Offer in-class academic support
- Help run an after school club
- Monitor during lunchtime recess
- Bring in treats for faculty and staff birthdays
- Organize/help the Faculty/Staff Appreciation events
Most volunteering opportunities require a background check. Please check out our
Volunteer Information page on our website.