At Thomas MacLaren School, we are keenly aware that we are being entrusted with the safety
and welfare of children. While our primary work is educating these children, we know children
need safety and security in order to be free to learn. While we cannot plan for every contingency
and make a full-proof plan for all hazard prevention, we are nonetheless charged with the care
and the safety of our students.
As an important component of school safety planning, the Thomas MacLaren School Board has
adopted the National Response Framework and National Incident Management System (NIMS)
as applicable to schools. In adopting the National Response Framework and NIMS, Thomas
MacLaren School uses Incident Command System (ICS) to ensure all responders use common
language and processes when responding to a school emergency. Staff are trained on their roles
and responsibilities within the ICS organizational chart, and the school refines these roles during
regular drills and table top exercises. We evaluate our systems and procedures after these
exercises, and work to make our systems and protocols clearer and more effective as a result.
One important aspect of ICS is the ability to use the same language as law enforcement for very
clear communication in a crisis.
At the recommendation of law enforcement, MacLaren works to create emergency response
protocols aligned with Standard Response Protocols (SRP). The SRP is action-based, flexible,
and simple. Five distinct action categories may be used to direct an incident. The category of
incident will be communicated followed by specific actions associated with that category. This
enables swift and coordinated responses from students, staff, and teachers, and first responders.
The five actions are Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. Please see the
Safety Protocols Overview for more details.