Post High School Curriculum
8th Grade
- High school shadow day
- Make an academic goal for success in 8th grade/high school
9th Grade
- Paideia Proposal seminar on the value of liberal arts education
- Overview of MacLaren high school curriculum, credits and GPA
- Take PSAT 8/9
10th Grade
- Financial literacy including compounding interest
- College and career research workshops
- Take CLT 10 and PSAT 10
11th Grade
- Individual College Counseling meeting
- College Visit – Colorado College
- College essay workshop
- Financial aid workshop
- Common App workshop
- Take SAT
12th Grade
- Individual college counseling meeting and application support
- Senior Seminar topics include: admission requirements, college testing, letters of recommendation, financial aid process and deadlines, college essays, using Common App and Naviance, and scholarships