All donations to the Masters Fund go directly to faculty and staff through semester-end bonuses. To recruit, retain, and support the level of faculty that we have all come to expect at MacLaren, we need you! The goal is not just to offer a bonus, but to keep these amazing faculty members at MacLaren. We would like to take the initiative of semester-end bonuses and build a fund that provides not only these bonuses, but can eventually raise salaries and perhaps even endow a position someday. Our teachers are the heart of our community of learners. As a charter school, a large percentage of our funding must go towards facility expenses,
leaving our teachers paid less than their peers at district schools. Today’s educational landscape is increasingly driven by standardized tests. Too often great teachers are asked to be merely technicians who can train students to take a test. We know one reason you love Thomas MacLaren is because our faculty are masters of the content area in each classroom. Not only do over 50% of our faculty hold advanced degrees, but we have a level of expertise in our classrooms that is hard to match.
Donations made to MacLaren, including donations to the Masters Fund, are tax-deductible.
Click the button below to donate using PayPal (credit card or debit from bank account)
OR discover other donation options on the
How to Donate page.