Illness Guidelines and FAQ

We strive to keep our community as healthy as possible to facilitate the best learning and work environment. We encourage you to utilize our Illness Guidelines when your child(ren) are sick to help you decided whether your child(ren) should attend school or not. Thank you for helping keep our community as healthy as possible.

Please utilize the parent portal to notify the front office if your child is going to be absent due to illness.

Lo alentamos a utilizar nuestras Pauntas de enfermedad cuando su(s) hijo(s) esté(n) enfermo(s) para ayudarlo a decidir si su(s) hijo(s) debe(n) asistir a la escuela o no.

Frequently Asked Questions 


Q. My child has tested positive for covid. What are the requirements for their return to school? 

A: Students may come to school once they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications and they feel well enough to participate in school/classroom activities. 

Q. Someone in my household has tested positive for covid, can my child(ren) come to school? 

A: Yes. Students who are exposed to someone with covid but are fever-free and feeling well enough to be at school, may come to school. 

Q: Are covid vaccines required at Thomas MacLaren School? 

A: Covid vaccines are not required for students or staff at Thomas MacLaren School. We do encourage our community to do what they feel is best to protect their families. 

Q: Are masks required at Thomas MacLaren School? 

A: We do not require masks at this time. We are a mask-friendly school and allow those who feel more comfortable in a mask to wear one. We also encourage those who are experiencing symptoms of illness (of any kind) to wear a mask to protect others. 

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): 

Q: My child has been diagnosed with pink eye or my child seems to have symptoms of pink eye. When can they return to school? 

A. Students are not excluded from school for pink eye as long as they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications and their eyes are not draining so much that it is a distraction to the student, or their eyes are unable to be kept clean and their vision clear. 

Strep Throat:

Q. How long does my child need to stay home after being diagnosed with strep throat? 

A. Please keep students who have been diagnosed with strep home for at least 12 hours from the start of their antibiotics. They also must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. 


Q. When can my child return to school after being sent home from school for vomiting or diarrhea? 

A. Unless otherwise instructed by the nurse or health staff, students need to stay home from school until they have not had diarrhea or vomited in 24 hours without the use of anti-nausea or anti-diarrheal medications.

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